Deagan Maki

Deagan Maki

After traveling from the US to Nepal I drank some bad water in the Delhi airport. I had a fever for several days and other symptoms began. I checked into CIWEC hospital and had a fantastic experience.

As someone who had never been in a hospital in their life and is also terrified of needles the staff were so kind, and so patient the entire time. They never made me feel silly and always met me with kindness.

The entire staff across different “departments” (X-ray, blood work, urine samples, abdominal ultrasound etc) worked as a team to diagnose and solve the problem. The communication channels between all of these medical professionals was easier to access than what I’ve witnessed with family members back home in the US.

On a logistical standpoint, I do not speak Nepalese so I was incredibly grateful that every person there spoke great English. There was never a doubt of what was happening due to a language barrier.

I hope that no one finds themselves in a similar situation. However, if you do, CIWEC made me feel so comfortable and safe during my 2 overnights there. Highly recommend their amazing staff and services.


• 42 years of experience • Friendly and quiet environment • 24/7 availability of seasoned post graduate doctors/nurses • Doctors and senior nurses certified by ISTM in Travel Health • Best nurse to patient ratio • Short waiting time for appointments, diagnosis and reports • End to end handling of insurance cases

ISO certified

Both branches of CIWEC hospital are ISO certified


Consultants in various specialists

42 years+

experience in dealing with travel related illnesses

170 +

Nationalities as patients


Insurance cases closed


Years research in travel related illnesses

ISTM Certified

Our doctors and nurses are certified in travel health by the International Society of Travel Medicine

Kathmandu Location

G.P.O. Box 12895, Kapurdhara Marg, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
Phone: +977-1-4524111, 4524242, 4535232
Fax :

Pokhara Location

14th Street, Lakeside, Pokhara-6, Nepal
Phone: +977-61-453082, 457053
Fax :
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