Emergency services
Available 24/7 , 365 days a year.
Ambulance service
Our ambulance is available 24/7 for home/hotel pick up, airport pickup and drop off and hospital transfers which can be arranged at anytime.
Inpatient services
Providing 24 hour care by the hospital team of doctors and nurses to address the needs of patients who require hospital care as well as post-operative rehabilitation.
Outpatient services
Patients are seen as walk in visits or by appointment. Our doctors are physicians with expertise in primary care who are experienced in taking care of high altitude and travel related illnesses.
Laboratory services
Excellent on-site laboratory that performs routine tests including stool examination, blood counts, urinalysis, chemistry panel, pregnancy test, HIV testing and a range of rapid diagnostics including special tests for dengue, influenza, malaria, streptococcal and rickettsial infections, as well as specialized tests like arterial blood gases, cardiac enzymes that are needed to take care of critical patients. Our laboratory technician Mr. Ramachandran Rajah is internationally recognized for his work in diarrheal diseases.
Digital computerized X-ray, Ultrasound with doppler/trans vaginal and trans rectal capabilities and Cardiac Ultrasound available on site.
Dental services
Full-service dentistry including operatives, crown and bridge prosthetics, periodontics, cleanings, endodontics, orthodontics and oral surgery.
Operation Theatre
We are pleased to announce that CIWEC Hospital has just opened its own state of art new Operation Theatre supported by a team of highly qualified surgeons, orthopedic and gynecological specialist and anesthesiologists at Kathmandu.
Endoscopy & Colonoscopy
Upper and Lower GI Endoscopy is available on site.
Immunization services
Providing internationally recommended vaccines for both pediatric and adult residents of Nepal as well as tourists to the region. We are the most reliable source of rabies prevention advice, vaccines, and immunoglobulin in South Asia.
Treadmill Stress Test (TMT)
Cardiac Stress Test also known as Treadmill Stress Test (TMT) available in Kathmandu site.
Health Screening Packages
CIWEC Hospital highly promotes preventive and primary healthcare. To ensure your health and well being while living in Nepal, CIWEC Hospital offers multiple levels of healthcare at its facility. In spirit of this care we are offering a Health Screening package. The package is geared towards identifying your baseline of personal health as well as screening for any personal health risks.
Pediatric service is available for “well child” check ups and to care for the sick child.
Routine and emergency comprehensive health care to women of all ages. We also provide routine PAP smears and pre and post -natal exams.
Orthopedic consultation, fracture reduction/casting and treatment for dislocations provided on site.
Physiotherapy is provided on site by a very experienced Physiotherapy doctor.
Including freezing of warts, biopsy of skin lesions.
Eye check up and other eye related problems.
Psychiatric services
Mental health services including psychotherapy and medication management.
Travel advice
We provide travel advice including advice regarding malaria prophylaxis. We are well stocked with prophylactic medications for malaria prevention.
Medical evacuation
Medical evacuation assistance and repatriation is provided by working closely with insurance companies, when required.